Fresh Focus #76: Maintaining Progress

All of the lifestyle changes that you have made in the last several weeks of this program have led to a healthier you! We want to help you maintain all of these healthy habits moving forward, which brings us to today’s episode! The last episode of the series focuses on how to maintain the progress you have made while participating in MOVE!. We will talk about some things that will help you keep the progress moving forward and ways to maintain your motivation. 
Staying motivated is essential for long-term weight management success. Here are 5 tips for staying motivated.
1) Remember the benefits you’ve achieved and hope to achieve.
2) Recognize your success.
3) Keep visible signs or your progress.
4) Keep track of your weight, eating, and activity.
5) Develop your eating and activity routine.

Host Bio: Fresh Focus is a team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists at the Marion VA collaborating with Dietitians nationwide.