Displaying 1 - 30 of 94 in total
#1: Healthy Plate Method – Keep it simple
Beth Blair, a MOVE! Dietitian, dives into the first episode of our six part series on eating a healthy plate. She sets the stage and gives advice for keeping it simple.
#2: Healthy Plate Method – Fill your plate with color
Listen as Lauren Hocking, a Home Based Primary Care and PACT Dietitian, gives her top 10 tips on getting in those non-starchy colorful vegetables. Encouraging us to fi...
#3: Healthy Plate Method – Grains & Starches
Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator, Jackie Chisholm, gives an amazing description on starchy vegetables and grains. We know carbohydrates are not created equal ...
#4: Healthy Plate Method – All About Fats
Listen in as Sieger Giroux, a MOVE! Dietitian, give much needed guidance on saturated and unsaturated fats. Helping us incorporate those into the healthy plate method.
#5: Healthy Plate Method – Breaking Down Protein
Tori Stewart, a Home Based Cardiac Rehab Dietitian, dives into different types of protein, why they are important, and how much we should be aiming to eat each day.
#6: Healthy Plate Method – Action Steps
Lindsey Purcell, a PACT Dietitian, walks through a set of tips for putting the Healthy Plate Method into action. Focusing on how small changes can make a big impact.
Fresh Focus #7: Pre-Pregnancy Nutrition
As you are thinking about starting a family and making that decision to try to get pregnant, the Fresh Focus Podcast wants to help you prepare for a healthy pregnancy....
Fresh Focus #8: Infertility Conversations
What happens if you’ve tried and tried and can’t get pregnant? What happens if you’ve done everything “right”, but it’s still not happening? Diet is a modifiable risk ...
Fresh Focus #9: Pregnancy Nutrition
Basic pregnancy nutrition is important to keep you and baby healthy. Right from the beginning, hormones can cause some unpleasant side effects. The most common being m...
Fresh Focus #10: Exercise and Pregnancy
There are many contributors to your prenatal health and one very important part is physical activity and exercise. Regular physical activity during your pregnancy is i...
Fresh Focus #11: Lactation Nutrition
Breastfeeding can be an awesome bonding experience with your baby. Although it provides baby with great nutrition, it can be overwhelming, frustrating, and brings up ...
Fresh Focus #12: Feeding the Baby
In this episode of Fresh Focus, Melaina Lane, Dietitian and youngest of five girls shares several different stories and struggles our Registered Dietitians have had wh...
Fresh Focus #13: Taste of the Holidays
The holidays can be a magical time, but how often is the excitement met with fears about your health with the change in normal menu items? If you are a person with di...
Fresh Focus #14: Holiday Hosting Guide
Are you hosting a holiday meal this year? Don’t get overwhelmed! Our Marion VA Health Care System Diabetes Educators are able to assist in the meal planning if your gu...
Fresh Focus #15: Scaling Back the Holiday Meal
It has been a whirlwind of a year and whether you live alone or are continuing to practice social distancing, the holidays are going to look a little different this ye...
Fresh Focus #16: Off to the Grocery Store (or not)
What if we told you that smart grocery shopping actually starts before you leave the house? This year, you may not even need to leave the house. On-line shopping is a...
Fresh Focus #17: Meal Prep with Success
You’re back from the grocery store and your countertop is full! Now, what to do with all the food you just purchased? Marion VA Health Care System Diabetes Educators d...
Fresh Focus #18: Back to the Basics
The holidays can be a whirlwind, even if this year is with just a small household group. After the dust settles and the dishes are washed, it can feel like such a cras...
Fresh Focus #19: MOVE! with a Blueprint for Success
MOVE! Weight management program is a lifestyle intervention for weight management. In this episode, we are going to refer to it as our blueprint for success. MOVE isn’...
Fresh Focus #20: MOVE! with Physical Activity
Physical activity is a very popular topic, but oftentimes it is made to be overcomplicated and overwhelming for those trying to learn more about it. Being active is ab...
Fresh Focus #21: MOVE! with the Waves
In our MOVE to a healthier you series, we take a dive into the important tool we should be using multiple times a day, water. Listen as our Dietetic Intern gives tips ...
Fresh Focus #22: MOVE! with Fiber
Unfortunately, most people don’t get enough fiber in their diet, even though it is a crucial part of our MOVE to a healthier you toolbelt. Wondering how to increase yo...
Fresh Focus #23: MOVE! with the Psychology of Eating
Knowledge is power when learning about our patterns and behaviors, especially in relation to food. This can be a powerful tool in your MOVE to a healthier you toolbelt...
Fresh Focus #24: MOVE! with a New Year
MOVE’s core ideas are encouraging healthy eating, increasing physical activity, developing behavior change skills and promoting even small weight losses with an easy t...
Fresh Focus # 25: Diversify your Plate
Description: The Fresh Focus team welcomes YaQutullah Ibraheem Muhammad MS, RDN, LD from the VA Arcadia Primary Care Clinic to talk about adding diversity to your plat...
Fresh Focus # 26: Healthy Teaching Kitchen
The Fresh Focus team welcome Robin LaCroix, Dietitians from the Wayfort Junction VA in Vermont and Melanya Souza from the VA Medical Center in Gainesville, Florida to ...
Fresh Focus # 27: Tips for a Heart Healthy Plate
Description: It’s common to hear that high sodium items should be avoided to promote heart health, but this episode dives into the “why” behind that recommendation, al...
Fresh Focus # 28: Personalize Your Plate for Weight Loss
Description: There can be so much information and misinformation out there when it comes to eating for weight loss, so we brought in Registered Dietitian and Cert...
Fresh Focus #29: When The One You Love Is Losing Weight
When people think of seeing a Registered Dietitian, most often we think of eating healthier or losing weight, however for some of our veterans, gaining too much weight...
Fresh Focus #30: Modifications At The Table
Have ever been sitting at the kitchen table with your veteran loved one and notice them having difficulty feeding themselves? If you are nodding YES, then you will un...