Fresh Focus #41: Understanding Pain Basics
Understanding pain response is important. Successful pain management involves setting identified goals and a treatment plan that is agreed upon by patient and Provider. Listen in to episode 41 of Fresh Focus where Dietitian Beth Blair interviews Nurse Judy Bishop about the successful interdisciplinary Pain Workshop.
Have you ever thought that what is on your plate could make a difference in your level of pain? Healthy food choices can improve your overall health, help with weight management, give you more energy and even help reduce pain. The Fresh Focus team thought it was a perfect time to start discussions on the pain and nutrition connection in episode 41 as they interview a VA nurse who is very involved in facilitating a Pain Workshop.
Understanding pain response is important. Successful pain management involves setting identified goals and a treatment plan that is agreed upon by patient and Provider. Physical pain is transmitted to the brain by stimulated nerves. When this happens the Pain Gate is open. Pain, whether acute or chronic, is multifaceted and can be modified and managed by using multifaceted approaches such as physical, cognitive, and emotional interventions. For anyone experiencing pain this can be empowering to know and helpful in pain management.
Whole Health means thinking about and approaching your health in a new way. Looking at what really matters to you can help you live life to the fullest. The VA has numerous resources that can help assist with pain management such as Physical Therapy, Behavior Medicine, Chiropractic, Meditation, Acupuncture, Whole Health, Tai Chi, Mindfulness, Nutrition and the MOVE! Weight management program can all be a part of your pain management.
Nutrition and Food Services (NFS) develops and provides comprehensive evidenced based nutritional services for our Veterans and their families across VHA’s health care facilities. Regisstered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN) promote wellness and disease prevention by providing effective nutrition education and counseling. RDN’s also work with you to help you modify what you are eating and drinking to improve your health. In this series we want to focus on and look for more ways to eat to reduce inflammation.
Please reach out to your primary care provider for information in your area for pain management resources. And remember to contact your local VA Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and the VA Healthy Teaching Kitchen YouTube Channel for recipes and tips on planning your very own anti inflammatory plate to help reduce inflammation.